
What is a battery? Spark Fun
Battery Basics, Cell Chemistry, and Cell Design - Electrochem
Knowledge Base: BatteryStuff   BatteryUniversity  The Electropaedia   

How batteries are made? Spark Fun |

Short Course on Lithium Ion batteries

Fundamental Concepts, Heating Mechanisms and Simulation Techniques- NASA (Video, PPT)
Post and Beyond Lithium-Ion Materials and Cells for Electrochemical Energy Storage - GoogleTechTalks
Chemistry of Hello: Lithium Ion Batteries - ACSWebinars
The New Grid: 100% Clean Energy for AllSLACNationalAcceleratorLaboratory
New Vistas in Electrochemical Energy Storage - MITEnergyInitiative
Batteries: now and future MIT Energy Initiative
Next Generation Energy Storage: Beyond Lithium Ion - ANLTraining
Batteries and supercapacitors for electrochemical energy storage - IRT Saint Exupéry
Why do Li-ion Batteries die ? and how to improve the situation? WaterlooInstituteforNanotechnology
Physics of next generation batteries Stanford Precourt Institute for Energy

edX Course


Introduction to the Materials Science of Rechargeable Batteries : Scientific Overview
Building a battery testboard

Some More Videos

In-situ & real time study of SEI formation on anode in a Lithium battery cell

Li-ion Battery Testing - Best Practices for Experiment Set-up on your Potentiostat

Australia based Lithium Ion Battery Test Centre compares various lithium-ion battery chemistries and products available in the Australian market against claims made by manufacturers. Tested under Australian conditions, the results of the centre will provide consumers with independent information on battery performance. Live and real time data results can be obtained at this website. 

The manufacturers of Battery Tender chargers offer valuable online education resources for engineering students interested in the science of batteries and battery charging techniques. Their comprehensive reference materials and FAQ's and technical information are a great source of engineering information.